Thursday, January 21, 2010

cell phone use during school

I think we should be able to use cell phones during school because if we're just walking in the hall's on our way to our classes we're not harming anybody. I don't think people should use them during class unless the teachers okay with it and done with their work. During study hall's people should be able to use their cell phone's, some people hardly do work in their study hall so what else do they have to do? During lunch we should also be able to use them because we're not learning anything, we're sitting there eating lunch. We should be able to use them because what if we need to ask our parent's a quick question but we can't get a hold of them on their work or house phone? We could quickly send them a text message asking them and have them text back instead of waiting and trying to call over and over. It would save a lot of trouble for students and some parents.

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